3D Printers: 2019-2020

In my Engineering 2 class of Sophomore year, I spent the majority of the semesters (when I was in in-person school) fixing and learning about 3D printers. The three printers were completely broken and damaged when I came into the class, and since engineering 2 students had free reign of the engineering supplies and little to no curriculum, I was able to dedicate my time to fixing the printers and learning about the software that goes into making a print.

Through this experience, I not only learned how to do engineering research and be self-sufficient in my projects, but I learned a lot about 3D printers, CAD software, hardware for printers, and electrical wiring. During this time, I was also trained to use the school’s CNC machine and learned about the crossovers between the two machines and their software. Below is a report of my progress and the issues of the printers and some pictures of different components I worked on (unfortunately I did not document this project well since it was over such an extended time period) and the first successful print (it was funny at the time). By the time we went into lockdown (for the pandemic), two printers were fully functional and making successful complex prints.

The first successful print, a simple block with text on the top and sides.

The first successful print, a simple block with text on the top and sides.

The interior of one of the printers I worked on. When I started working on them, there were wires plugged into incorrect spots and they were all tangled. I had to organize and rewire each printer multiple times throughout the year.

The interior of one of the printers I worked on. When I started working on them, there were wires plugged into incorrect spots and they were all tangled. I had to organize and rewire each printer multiple times throughout the year.

Above are photos of me taking apart a damaged extruder and replacing it.


Engineering Internship: 2021


Weather Station: 2019