Weather Station: 2019


In the second semester of my freshman year, I made a weather station. Like the agriscience project, this was also related to my sustainable agricultural biology class but was far less structured and more independent. I did this project for my SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience), which was a final of sorts for the second semester. While most students raise animals or grew a few plants, I was more interested in engineering, so I turned to my engineering teacher for guidance and we took months to code, construct, and test this weather station.

The weather station monitored humidity, pressure, temperature, TVOC, CO2 levels, and wind speeds. It was powered by a solar panel and had a wireless internet connection. It also had an LED display to show the constant data coming in about the weather! This project was the first one I did with a raspberry pi, and I fell in love with engineering and coding by exploring all the different aspects of putting this together. The weather station was fully functional by the end of the year and remains to be to this day.

Below is the presentation I presented to my Ag Bio class for this project and some pictures of my progress and the different parts of the station, unfortunately, this project had far less documentation than the agriscience project due to the fact that it wasn’t being judged or submitted to any contests (less formal).


3D Printers: 2019-2020


Shedding Light on Solar Energy: 2018